Perennials are a category of plants that live from year to year and can survive the winters in northern climates. Perennials are known for their exquisite flowers and/or beautiful foliage making them a must-have for any landscape. Some of my all-time favorite plants are perennials. There is just something different about them when compared to annuals (click here if you need a refresher on annuals). The blooms are more detailed and intricate, the foliage is more rich and striking. And for some, the fragrance is amazing. The obvious advantage of having perennials in your landscape is that you plant them once and they return each spring. I have found that this is definitely a plus as I get older and time and energy become valuable resources! Consequently, you will be seeing more perennials in my yard! Here are some easy-to-grow perennials that will thrive in your landscape.