Orchid Care Tips: Growing Phalaenopsis Orchids

This article contains affiliate links for advertisers of this site. See disclosure page for more information. Orchids can be found in almost any grocery store, large retailer, or home improvement store. This once elusive tropical plant is now trendy and mainstream. Designers are using them as home décor accessories to bring color and modern flair … Read more

Fall Bulbs: Complete Guide for a Beautiful Spring Garden

This article contains affiliate links for advertisers of this site. See disclosure page for more information. Have you ever marveled at the beauty of someone’s yard when tulips and daffodils are in full bloom? I do- every year. It can be a breathtaking sight after a long, cold Ohio winter. I want more of that … Read more

Snake Plant Care

This article contains links, which if you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Growing plants indoors can be challenging, even for those of us with green thumbs. Fortunately, the snake plant (aka mother-in-law’s tongue, Sansevieria, however now part of the Dracaena genus) is very … Read more

Indoor Plants For Low-Light Rooms

Every gardener struggles with finding indoor plants for low-light rooms. We all have areas of our home or office that we want to brighten with plants. Most of us spend our day indoors, surrounded by technology. Regardless of whether it is at an office, school, or home, adding nature and plants into our everyday lives … Read more

Beautiful, Easy to Grow Flowering Shrubs

White Viburnum Korean Spice Flower

This article contains links, which if you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Flowering Shrubs Flowering shrubs are an important part of a well-designed landscape. Easy-to-grow flowering shrubs can turn a landscape into a retreat! Landscape designers use shrubs to bring structure and substance … Read more

How to Start Seeds Indoors: Complete Guide

Seedlings with Text Overlay Complete Guide to Starting Seeds Indoors

This article contains affiliate links for advertisers of this site. See the disclosure page for more information. Starting seeds indoors as a kid fueled my love of plants. It was fascinating how tiny seeds could sprout and grow into plants that I could watch grow all summer. I remember being excited to check them each … Read more