The Best Hanging Basket for Mother’s Day

Every year for Mother’s Day I like to buy my mom flowers for her yard.

That always includes a hanging basket for her back porch.

The porch faces west and gets a tremendous amount of sun and heat throughout the summer.

My mom is a great gardener and is diligent with watering and fertilizing, but over the years, she has had trouble keeping her hanging basket looking good in that environment.

We tried different plants that should have thrived in the heat and bought larger hanging baskets with more soil capacity, but it didn’t solve the issue.

The plants looked “burnt” in the heat of the summer.


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Hanging Baskets with Sphagnum Moss

We suspected that the plastic basket was getting so hot in the sun that it was scalding the plants’ roots.

So, last year we tried a hanging basket that was made of sphagnum moss.

The results were amazing!

The moss kept the plants’ roots cooler.

The flowers grew, bloomed and stayed vibrant all summer.

When at the garden center, you will notice that these baskets are generally larger than most plastic hanging baskets.

The extra soil capacity gives the roots plenty of space to grow.

Mothers' Day Hanging Baskets with yellow, purple and pink flowers at Garden Center
Hanging Baskets with Sphagnum Moss

Consequently, the plants grow, bloom and thrive throughout the season.

They will become more beautiful as the summer progresses.

You will also notice that the sphagnum moss hanging baskets tend to be more expensive than a traditional hanging basket made of plastic.

However, they are a better value because they last all season and are so easy to maintain.

I am so pleased with the results that they are the only type of hanging basket I use.

In addition to hanging one on my porch, I also use them on my patio.

I remove the hanger and place it on a plant stand for a unique look.

They are a gorgeous addition to my landscape.

One of the keys to a successful hanging basket is to select the right plant for the right location.

Use this guide when purchasing a hanging basket:

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Flowers for Shade:




Flowers for Sun (6 or more hours of sun)








Hanging basket care tips:

  • Depending on the location, some baskets may need to be watered daily. An easy way to check is to pick-up the basket and feel the weight. As the soil dries, the basket will get lighter. Avoid allowing the soil to dry-out as this will put stress on the plant. Apply water until it generously runs out the bottom and the entire soil ball is moist.
  • Fertilize once a month with a liquid fertilizer or use a slow-release fertilizer at the beginning of the season.
  • Remove faded blooms and any dead foliage regularly to encourage new blooms
  • Remove any dead stems or branches to discourage disease or insect problems

Buying mom fresh cut flowers for Mother’s Day? Check out our tips on buying the freshest and how to care for them so they last!

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8 thoughts on “The Best Hanging Basket for Mother’s Day”

  1. What is the difference between the coco coir liners and the sphagnum moss liners?

    • Hi Patti, the coco coir liners are made from the by-products of coconuts so they are natural and another great option that would give good results. My experience is that they seem to dry out a bit quicker than the sphagnum when in the sun and wind, but it probably depends on location. I use them for my window box liners (which happen to be in shade) and they have performed well. Happy Gardening! – Shannon

  2. I bought two hanging baskets of impatients. Neither had a lot of blooms, but my logic was the later they bloom the longer I would be able to enjoy them. Was this a good idea?

    • Hi Jestina! I have purchased flowers with few blooms and they always bloom well all summer. I’m sure with proper care, you will be very pleased with your hanging baskets. Happy Gardening!

  3. How do you solve the problem with petunia plants browning and
    looking lanky midseason. I hate cutting them back and by the time they begin to grow back the season is over. Thanks.

    • Hi Christi! I recommend trying trailing Supertunias by Proven Winners. They are modern varieties that don’t need deadheading, bloom continuously and are more heat tolerant than regular petunias. They can be found at better garden centers. You can also buy them in individual pots and make your own hanging basket. Thanks!

  4. Don’t the sphagum baskets require more watering as they will dry out faster. Do you recommend soaking the baskets in maybe a bucket of water and if so how many times should I do that a week.

    • Hi Ruth! That hasn’t been my experience. I water from the top and these baskets seem to hold water longer than a plastic basket. If you are creating a basket from scratch (buying the basket and plants separately and planting yourself), I would suggest watering the basket thoroughly before you plant. Happy Gardening!


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