Moving Indoor Plants Outside for Summer

This article contains affiliate links for advertisers of this site. See disclosure page for more information. After a long, cloudy, and cold winter my indoor plants don’t always look like they are under the care of a horticulturist! I can use grow lights and best cultural practices, but they have lost that luster that can only … Read more

Types of Unique and Beautiful Aloe Plants

Tiger Tooth Aloe Plant

This article contains affiliate links for advertisers of this site. See our disclosure page for more information. Aloe vera is the most popular type of Aloe, but as succulents and indoor plants have become popular, so have all of the many unique Aloe plants. This is great news for the beginner and avid gardener. This … Read more

Echeveria Care: How to Keep Them Beautiful and Healthy

So you couldn’t resist. It was so beautiful. I know- they are gorgeous! They look so good, they don’t even look real. You promised not to bring any more home! You bought one anyway. I get it. Me too! It’s hard not to. They are addictive. Just when you thought you had them all…a new … Read more

How to Water Tropical Houseplants for Lush Growth

This article contains affiliate links for advertisers of this site. See disclosure page for more information. The Goal When Watering Tropical Plants When watering plants in your home, the goal is to give them the same amount of moisture in the frequency they would receive in their natural environment. While each houseplant is different, there … Read more

Poinsettia Plant Care Tips

This article contains affiliate links for advertisers of this site. See our disclosure page for more information. Poinsettia plant care is easy with the knowledge of a few helpful tips. These can be quite helpful since Poinsettias are an iconic symbol of the holiday season. Ironically, they are tropical plants, so for those of us … Read more