How to Propagate Plants: Growing More Houseplants

 This article contains affiliate links for advertisers of this site. See our disclosure page for more information. Learning how to propagate plants is perhaps one of the most rewarding parts of indoor gardening. Generally, once a gardener has mastered a plant’s care, plant propagation is the next step in the gardening journey. For some of us, propagating … Read more

Hanging Plants Indoors

This article contains affiliate links for advertisers of this site. See our disclosure page for more information. One of the latest trends in gardening is hanging indoor plants. Houseplants have become part of a home’s décor, so hanging plants is just a natural part of expressing your decorating style. Interior decorators use vertical space to add … Read more

Mangave: New, Unique, Easy-Care Plants

Mangave 'Bad Hair Day' Planted in a gnome planter as the hair

If you are always on the look-out for new, unique and interesting plants, then Mangave plants are for you! These are a relatively new group of plants that were recently “discovered” that is taking the plant world by storm. A Mangave is a cross between an Agave and Manfreda plant. It is very unlikely that … Read more

Moving Indoor Plants Outside for Summer

This article contains affiliate links for advertisers of this site. See disclosure page for more information. After a long, cloudy, and cold winter my indoor plants don’t always look like they are under the care of a horticulturist! I can use grow lights and best cultural practices, but they have lost that luster that can only … Read more

Forcing Branches to Bloom Indoors

Magnolia blossom in a clear vase

This article contains affiliate links for advertisers of this site. See disclosure page for more information. Forcing branches to bloom indoors is an elegant way to bring spring indoors before winter has officially lost its grip. Essentially, it’s trimming a few branches from flowering shrubs and trees and bringing them indoors. It’s fascinating to see … Read more