How to Care for Neanthe Bella Palm Indoors

Neanthe bella palm, also known as parlor palm or Chamaedorea elegans, is a popular houseplant grown for its elegant fronds and ability to thrive indoors.

With its low-maintenance nature, it has become a favorite among both beginner and experienced plant enthusiasts.

Because of their adaptability to indoor environments, they are commonly seen in interior landscapes in large office buildings and retail spaces.

In this article, we will provide you with valuable neanthe bella care insights and tips to ensure your plant thrives in its indoor environment.

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Neanthe Bella Palm Plant Fronds
Neanthe Bella Palm
Get to Know Neanthe Bella Palm
Common NameNeanthe Bella Palm, Parlor Palm
Botanical NameChamaedorea elegans
Native Mexico and South America
Houseplant TypeTropical
Garden Plant TypePalm Tree
Hardiness Zones10 to 12 (U.S.)
Mature Height (Indoor)4-5 feet
Mature Spread (Indoor)1-2 feet
Overview of Neanthe Bella Palm Care
Light RequirementsBright, indirect light, avoid direct sunlight
MoistureEvenly moist, avoid waterlogged soil
Watering FrequencyEvenly moist in spring and summer, allow top inch to dry in fall and winter
Water TypeTap water is fine
HumidityHigh, minimum 50% relative humidity
AirAvoid drafts, vents, etc.
SoilWell draining general indoor mix
Fertilizer NeedsLow, 1-2 times monthly in growing season
ContainerWith drain holes, remove excess water from saucers

Light Requirements for Neanthe Bella Palm Care

Neanthe bella palms prefer bright, indirect light.

This keeps them healthy and compact without getting leggy.

However, neanthe bella palms are known for their ability to adapt to low light conditions and for this reason were used to decorate parlors in Victorian times (before electricity) and that’s how they got the nickname, parlor palm.

Place your plant near a north or east-facing window where it can receive indirect light and filtered morning sunlight.

Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight for extended periods, as it can scorch the delicate foliage.

If placing it in a west or south-facing window, a curtain sheer is helpful to block the intensity of the afternoon sun.

If your indoor space lacks adequate light, you can also consider supplementing with fluorescent lights or grow lights.

Full-spectrum LED grow lights are ideal for these plants.

If neanthe bella palms receive a lot of bright, indirect light, they will produce clusters of yellow flowers in spring.


Temperature and Humidity

Neanthe bella palms are native to Mexico and South America and therefore thrive in temperatures between 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C).

They can be grown outside in U.S. zones 10-12, but as a tropical will not be healthy at temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit and will are not tolerant of frost.

Avoid placing them in drafty areas or near heating/cooling vents, as sudden temperature fluctuations can harm the plant.

Maintaining a consistent temperature will promote healthy growth.


As a tropical plant, neanthe bella palms prefer moderate to high humidity levels- 50-70%.

Low humidity may cause the leaf tips and edges to become brown.

A hygrometer is a handy tool that can measure the room’s humidity level so that you can know if you need to increase the humidity by using a humidifier.

This will help replicate their native rainforest environment.

Neanthe Bella Palm Plant
A healthy Neanthe Bella Palm that’s received proper care

Proper Watering for Neanthe Bella Palm Care

Proper watering is crucial for neanthe bella palms.

They prefer evenly moist but not waterlogged soil.

The best way to know when to water a neanthe bella palm is to insert your finger into the soil to check for moisture.

When the top inch of the soil is dry, it’s time to water again.

Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering can cause the fronds to turn brown and crispy.

It’s essential to use a well-draining potting mix designed for indoor plants and ensure that the pot has drainage holes to prevent the soil from holding too much water.

During winter months or in low light conditions, reduce the watering frequency to prevent over-saturation.


Neanthe Bella Palm Plant in a white container
Neanthe Bella Palm

Fertilization Needs

Neanthe bella palms benefit from regular fertilization during the growing season (spring and summer).

However, they aren’t heavy feeders so using a balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength is ideal

Apply the fertilizer once every 2-4 weeks, following the package instructions.

Avoid splashing the fertilizer on leaf surfaces as this can cause a burning effect.

Instead of a water-soluble fertilizer, applying a slow-release fertilizer in early spring is a good alternative.

These are small fertilizer beads that release small amounts of fertilizer throughout the growing season during each watering.

Most generally last for 6 months so they conveniently end as the growing season stops.

Regardless of the method, during fall and winter, reduce or stop fertilization, as the plant enters a period of slower growth.

Pruning and Maintenance for Neanthe Bella Palm Care

Trimming your neanthe bella palm is not usually necessary unless you want to remove any damaged or yellowing fronds.

Use clean, sharp pruners or scissors to make clean cuts, removing the entire frond at the base of the plant.

Regularly dust the leaves with a damp cloth to keep them clean and free from dust, which can hinder their ability to photosynthesize.

Rotating the plants weekly so that each side receives the same amount of light will prevent uneven growth and leaning.

Neanthe bella palms rarely have insect or disease problems.

However, it’s always wise to monitor weekly for pests such as mealybugs and spider mites.

Spider mites may be more likely to appear in environments with low humidity and low soil moisture levels.

Want to get your plants looking as good as the day you bought them?


Neanthe bella Palms can be propagated through division.

Gently remove the plant from its pot and separate the root clumps.

The roots tend to be brittle so handle them with care during this process so that they don’t break off.

Ensure that each division has a healthy root system and a few fronds.

Plant the divisions in separate pots filled with a new potting mix designed for indoor tropical plants and follow the regular care routine.

Plants may also be propagated by germinating seeds but this is a very slow process.

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How tall do neanthe bella palms get?

When grown indoors, neanthe bella palms usually reach a height of 4-5 feet and spread 1-2 feet.

In their native environment, they can grow to 6-10 feet with a spread of 2-3 feet.


Do neanthe bella palms produce fruit?

Neanthe bella palms are dioecious, meaning there are male and female plants.

They both will flower given enough light but only the female flowers will produce a showy black fruit if there is a mechanism for the female flowers to be pollinated (insects, hand pollination, etc.)


Can I put my neanthe bella palm outside for the summer?

Yes, be sure to acclimate it to the outdoor environment and light levels and adjust its care regimen as needed to accommodate the changed conditions.


How often should I repot a neanthe bella palm?

Neanthe bella palms don’t mind being a bit rootbound.

However, when this affects their ability to absorb water and nutrients it’s time to repot.

This varies with each plant depending on their rate of growth.

Note that their roots tend to be brittle so handle them with some care during repotting.


Are neanthe bella palms poisonous to cats and dogs?

According to the ASCPA, they are non-toxic to both cats and dogs.


Neanthe bella palm is a beautiful addition to any indoor space, bringing a touch of elegance and a tropical feel.

By following the care guidelines outlined in this article, you can create a thriving environment for your neanthe bella palm.

Remember to provide it with adequate light, maintain proper humidity, water it appropriately, fertilize it during the growing season, and perform occasional maintenance.

With a little attention and care, your neanthe bella palm will flourish, enhancing the beauty of your home or office for years to come.

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